CBS Sport is a voluntary student organization, which sets out to gather all sports activities throughout CBS campus.
The purpose of CBS Sport is to:
We have Copenhagen’s most student friendly prices. Before having to commit to anything, you can try most of our sports for free (two practices). CBS Sport arrange a number of social activities every year including two big parties (a Summer Party and a Christmas Party) and a variety of sporting activities (including CBS Sport Dodgeball, Street Football, Campus Relay and a number of teambuilding events for our volunteers and members).
We hope you will find our club interesting.
Below you will find a short description year by year of what has occurred in CBS Sport.
The commencement of CBS Sport as an organization started as a swift thought in an informal brainstorm regarding the campus environment at CBS. The brainstorm did not stop before the first drawing of an organizational structure had been made in the autumn of 2005.
As the plan was presented for the diversity committee at CBS the demand of sports had already prompted the start of a women’s handball team – CBS Handball. As diversity were positive towards the idea of CBS Sport and a handball team trip to Aarhus to visit ASB Sport (Aarhus School of Business Sport) and AUS (Aarhus University Sport) funds was granted to help the idea become a reality.
The trip to Aarhus was a great success and brought home lots of ideas, enthusiasm, contacts and advices about possible pitfalls. Especially the meeting with the founders of ASB Sport – which is only a few years old – was a fulfilling experience. After returning to Copenhagen the plans for a merger between the three teams CBS Handball (female), CBS Basketball (male) and FC Internationale (male – later known as CBS Football) was finalized and the students began writing the articles of association.
CBS Sport was officially established on the 30th of March 2006, where the very first General Assembly was held. Several meetings between enthusiastic students and semi structured sports teams had taken place before the organization was actually founded.
A board of 7 members was elected, hereby a Chairman, Cashier, and respectively a head of Communication, Events, Football, Basketball, and Handball. Already in the autumn of 2006, CBS Sport had a range of various teams including three football teams (two male and one female), two handball teams (one male and one female), and two basketball teams.
Apart from the range of sports, CBS Sport was also involved in smaller sporting activities arranged by the students and employees at CBS.
In the second year CBS Sport was met with supplementary vitality and enthusiasm from the newly elected board. It was decided that 4 sports activities was not enough. The goal was to increase to 10 sports and triple the number of members. The decision did however require an increased workload.
In this season CBS Sport also joined FIU (Frederiksberg Idræts-Union) and met for the first time the Major of Frederiksberg. CBS Sport also became a member of CBS Diversity, FIND and CBS Students network.
During the season, CBS Sport was active at “Fritid på Frederiksberg”, became the organizer of Campus Frederiksberg and at the same time took part in setting up CBS Campus Relay. The main sponsor of Campus Relay, KPMG, actually later became the main sponsor of CBS Sport (October 2008).
The office was moved to Solbjerg Plads, which meant more room and exposure. Thus CBS Sport became more capable of reaching new potential members, located at the busiest part of campus.
2007 was also the year where CBS Sport for the first time participated in an international university sports tournament (in Paris – Mercuriales).
Due to the increasing workload, it was decided to hire an administrative assistant in the beginning of 2008. Mia Ildor Jacobsgaard was employed to help with the requirements of the fast-growing organization.
After a busy 2007/2008 season, a new Board was yet assembled (though with only minor rotations). Stability became the keyword of the season, as so much had happened. Team building trips were organized, and CBS Sport took an active part in Campus Frederiksberg, CBS Campus Relay and Fritid på Frederiksberg once again. Mia decided to stop as administration worker, and instead her sister, Stina Ildor Jacobsgaard, joined to help the board with the many requests and demands.
In 2008 additional sports were established: Floorball, Cricket, Rugby and another female handball team. Furthermore CBS Sport established a Skiing Department this year.
In the spring of 2008, CBS Sport participated in the international university tournament in Paris again (The Mercuriales tournament). This year CBS Sport participated in Volleyball, Basketball and Football. This was also the year that the sponsor deal with KPMG was finalized, providing the club with the financial means to accomplish the development strategy.
2009 was the year where CBS Sport introduced CBS Sport Challenge, a one-day event organized in the autumn in Nørrebrohallen. Hundreds of students competed in football, basketball, and badminton. It became a great success and there was an attendance of over 200 people.
This year CBS Sport established Tennis, Horseback-riding, Volleyball, Badminton and yet another female handball team.
CBS Sport also participated in an international university tournament yet again. The Euro Cup 2009 in Paris was attended by CBS Sport Football (men & women), Handball (women), Basketball (men), Volleyball (men & women) and Tennis. CBS Sport won the tournament which was the the culmination of years of hard work.
In 2010 CBS Sport unfortunately had to close down horseback riding. However, it was the season where the best male basketball team entered the 2nd division. It was decided that due to the fast growth of the organization, CBS Sport had to change to the original statutes from 2006, and adjust them according to new challenges and issues that the club was facing.
Once again CBS Sport helped organize the Campus Relay at CBS, participated in Fritid på Frederiksberg, and held the 2nd annual CBS Sport Challenge. The Challenge was held locally at Frederiksberg. in conjunction with FIU and the municipality both outdoor and indoor facilities at Frederiksberg was taken into use.
The hectic year of 2010 was indeed an eventful year full of important achievements. Euro Cup in Paris was attended for the second year in a row. CBS Sport won the tournament yet again with participation of Basketball, Football, Volleyball and Rugby and Handball. Apart from the Euro Cup, the women’s football team also participated in the Costa Brava Cup.
The Football Department finally got access to practice pitches at Nandrupsvej on a regular basis. Thus, the football teams now finally had quality practice and 7-a-side match facilities.
Furthermore the CBS Sport Panther became the outward face of CBS Sport and thus became the visual expression of the club.
This was the year where CBS Sport could celebrate its 5th birthday. The amount of members had increased by the hundreds every year since the founding of the club. The amount of volunteers helping CBS Sport becoming such a social and integrated organization had also gradually increased.
CBS Sport could unfortunately announce that Cricket Department had to close. Cricket had been a part of CBS Sport for two years with a team in one of the best leagues. However, CBS Sport Skaterhockey was founded this year filled with new and enthusiastic players.
CBS Sport returned to Mercuriales where our handball team participated and won the tournament.
In 2011 CBS Sport hosted the CBS Sport Challenge tournament again. The goal of having over 500 participants was reached and the event was a great success. CBS also helped organize the CBS Campus Relay. Though due to the metro extension being built, this may have been the last Campus Relay for many years.
2012 was full of new challenges. After having moved offices in late 2011, the club got it’s own office at Solbjerg Plads. CBS Sport started both another skaterhockey team and one more 7-a-side football team. Thus the football department now consist of 6 football teams in total. Our Tennis department was furthermore growing rapidly and Floorball was promoted to the 1st division after an amazing season.
With the sports expanding, so did the need for facilities. So for the first time ever CBS Sport got their own venue, CBS Sport Dome.
The biggest achievement of CBS Sport in 2012 was the signing of a new sponsor, Danske Bank. This new collaboration has set New Standards for CBS Sport and their engagement with sponsors.
The goal and mission of CBS Sport has not changed, as the organization aims to maintain the student friendly prices and welcoming new initiatives. However, the new board will be focusing on the current members and sports. Thus, the goal is to grow organically in the years to come.
2013 was a benifitial for CBS Sport; Skaterhockey won Snake City Cup, Handball Women won the summer tounament and the Football department got five out of eight ossible promotions, Basketball got their 2nd team promoted to Sekundarækken Herrer Øst and CBS Sport Rugby had a pretty much flawless season and an unbeaten record for the spring season!
The sponsor agreement between CBS Sport and Danske Bank really proved it’s worth with a Special Lecture @ CBS with the subject “Sponsorships and football from a commercial and financial perspective”. Furthermore the first CBS Sport Dodgeball Tournament was held with E.ON as sponsor and what a succes!
In July, CBS Sport launched a logo competition due to restrictions from Copenhagen Business School on who could use the variations of their logo. In August the Board could proudly present the new logo, designed by Milan Pleva.
2013 was also the year were the Sport Pool was reestablished, CBS Sport X-fit (now CBS Mercury) was born, Basketball re-enrolled a women’s team to the tournament and CBS Sport Campus Relay was back after one year’s abscense.
Friday Bar was a new concept that dawned in 2014 – after upgrading the CBS Sport Clubroom, the Board wanted to enhance the social part of being in the club, by inviting all members to socialize in the Club Room 3-4 times a year – a tradition that still goes on.
CBS Sport Dodgeball was back and got an article and a cool video in CBS Observer – furthermore another Special Lecture was held with the topic ‘Reputation Recovery’ with Kim Larsen from Danske Bank.
In regards of sporting achievements Football’s highest ranked men’s team followed their tremendous cup match with a deserved promotion to Serie 2 along with three other football team promotions, Rugby’s ladies got themselves in the Danish free paper metroxpress, CBS Sport Handball’s women’s team got their promotion to Kvalifikationsrækken and Serie 2 along with a victory in DTH Cup.
Finally, in 2014 it was made possible to buy CBS Sport Merchandise at the Webshop.
We’re still getting an overview of 2015, but meanwhile here are some headlines: CBS Sport divides the current board and tasks into two: A Board and an Executive Management, DJØF becomes principal sponsor and the street football tournament changes name to CBS Sport Djøf Cup, CBS Sport Football gets awarded ‘Athlete of the Year 2015’, Basketball’s ladies went to Belgrade, Skaterhockey played in the European Cup, Football did well fighting the “big ones” in the Danish Cup again, Floorball got promoted to the second best league, Rugby Men wins the 2nd division championship and CBS Sport and Danske held another Special Lecture this time with former top athlete Arne Nielsson..
(To be continued …)
CBS Sport is a voluntary student organization, which sets out to gather all sports activities throughout CBS campus.
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