On the 27th of April 2009 CBS Sport began a new tradition. The board had decided that from this year on CBS Sport were to honor former or present members every year. In order to be elected as honored member the person must have done something special for CBS Sport. To reward these people we will each year host a reception where the selected persons will be announced. Furthermore we will hang up their picture in the CBS Sport Office. Due to the fact that this is a new tradition, we have decided to start 2009 with honoring 4 people.
2017: Stine Corlin Christensen, she is known by most in the club and has been a great asset. Stine has been a part of the board for six years (2011-2017) and acting Chairman for five of those years.
2016: Thomas Staalager, he has had a lot of different roles in CBS Sport, primarily in the management of the club and in the football department. Read more here.
2014: Christoffer Larsen, Board member 2010-14 (Cashier 2011-14) and handball coach 2006-15
2012: Karina Ildor Jacobsgaard, Communication Responsible 2007-08, Vice Chairman 2008-09 and Chairman 2009-12
2010: Søren Low, Responsible for Basketball 2007-09 and Sportsmanager 2009-10
2009: Adam Kayser, Board member 2006-07 and Chairman 2007-09
2009: Christine Wibro, Responsible of Handball 2006-09
2009: Asger Bryderup, Responsible of Football 2006-09
2009: Jonas Brandt, founder and Chairman of CBS Sport 2006-07
Furthermore we would like to give a big Thank You to all volunteers in CBS Sport. Without any of you, CBS Sport could not continue to grow and develop in the positive direction as we are doing today.
This is an extra contribution to some of the students who started CBS Sport and thus created the foundation that the club is building on today.
Founder and Chairman of CBS Sport 2006/2007: Jonas Brandt
Head of Communication 2006/2007: Linda Gjesager Kulas
Founder of the CBS Sport Football Team 2006: Anders Lorenzen Andersen
Cashier of CBS Sport 2006-2008: Harald Tolleshaug
CBS Sport is a voluntary student organization, which sets out to gather all sports activities throughout CBS campus.
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