At the moment CBS Sport is not starting up any new sports, but are putting the effort in making the existing sports even better. However, you can always contact our Administration or Chairman, who will help with applying for funding and other challenges with regards to starting a new sport.
When CBS Sport again opens up for new sports, the usual 5 step plan (below) applies.
CBS Sport is always positive discussing the possibility of starting a new sports not currently offered by the organisation. Usually the process of starting new sports is divided into the following stemps:
1. CBS Sport is contacted by at least one interested student or employee
2. At least one (student or employee) volunteer must be found to put an effort into starting the new sport
3. The demand among students and employees at CBS must be estimated by available communication channels
4. A sport responsible and/or coach must be found to be in charge of this process and practice
5. A presentation of the sport, the plans, ideas and expectations must be made to the board of CBS Sport
If the demand for the sport proves sufficient and credible, then CBS Sport will help and guide the sport responsible to acquire practice facilities and also guide on how to fundraise for start-up capital. Do you want to start a new sport, or do you have any questions about the start-up process?
Do you want to start a new sport, or do you have any questions about the start-up process? Contact our administration. See contact information here
CBS Sport is a voluntary student organization, which sets out to gather all sports activities throughout CBS campus.
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