CBS are hiring for the Board

CBS are hiring for the Board

CBS Sport is driven and developed by Volunteers, and in thus one of the largest volunteer-run sports organisations in Denmark, now the club needs you!

With the yearly General Assembly of CBS Sport coming up on April 12th, the current board is looking for new people to join the board and take charge of the club. As the current board is now finishing their 4th year in charge, they are now looking to hand over leadership to new faces with a goal to invigorate and empower the organisation going forward.

What does the board do?

The Board of CBS sport consists of 6 seats, one Chairman, one Vice Chairman, one Financial Controller and three Regular Board Members. Each seat holds one vote and an equal vote can be decided by the sitting chairman.

The Board is responsible for the greater development of the club, such as opening new sports, negotiating partnership and sponsor deals, large event management and website development. Further, the Board is responsible for the financial sustainability of the club, and stakeholder management ranging from local sports organisations such as FIU, CBS and the municipality. The board is heavily dependent on the volunteers in the sports organisations who run the clubs on a day to day level.

The main purpose of the Board is to ensure than CBS Sport continues to fulfil its main mission which is “Promotes physical and mental wellfare through affordable sport memberships

Here you can see a simple overview over CBS Sport and how the organisation is set-up.

5 spots are up for re-election

The board is made up of two election cycles. The Chairman, Vice Chairman and Financial Controller are all elected for two-year terms. The three posts are elected on separate cycles, with the Vice Chairman and Financial Controller being up for election in even years, and the Chairman in uneven years. The Board Members are elected for one-year terms.

This year there are three Board Members seats up for election, as well as the Vice Chairman and the Financial Controller – which is why we need you!

Role descriptions:

Vice Chairman

  • 2-year election
  • Supports the chairman in their duties and leads in their absence
  • Will lead and manage prioritised projects
  • Acts as a liaison between members and leadership
  • Key role in decision-making processes, and may take on specific responsibilities delegated by the chairman.

Financial Controller

  • 2-year election
  • Responsible for the financial resources of the club across the sports organisations
  • In charge of budgetting and financial forecasting
  • Secure funding through grant applications
  • Yearly budget meetings with the sports

Board Member

  • 1-year election
  • 3 open spots
  • Holds one vote on the board
  • Will lead projects within different areas, depending on your interest
  • Is responsible of leading the organisation in a sustainable way

What is in it for you?

Being a part of CBS Sport as a Board Member gives you a community separated from your study programme, and introduces you to people from across CBS and the different study programmes. You get responsibility for leading and developing a thriving and healthy sports organisation which enables young people in Copenhagen to join communities create networks while being physically active.

You get to apply your learnings from your studies whether it relates to HR, Accounting, Marketing, Stakeholder Management and IT, as you as a Board Member is able to take on projects you find interesting, necessary and important. Some of the achievements reached by the current board are:

  • Negotiating a 5 year partnership deal with Select and Intersport
  • Design and produce the first ever Select Basketball jersey, as well as a club wide kit
  • Develop and design a new website
  • Renovate and design our Club Room at Porcelænshaven
  • Negotiated a 2-year sponsorship deal with Boligmatch
  • Grew the organisation back from 200 members, after COVID, to more tha 450 members
  • Initiated a new CBS Sport Football Tournament Tradition at the Semester Start Party for the past three years totalling almost 300 participants
  • Held the first ever CBS Sport Winter Sport Games with our partners and Hafnia Hallen with almost 120 participants

Finally, as a member of the board, and a volunteer anywhere in the club, you get a sport membership for just 50 DKK, while also being eligible for Student Exchange Credits. You also get to participate and arrange volunteer events such as watching Ice Hockey in Rødovre, host parties and volunteer dinners and partnership events such as BoligTALK taking place at CBS on April 3rd!

If you are interested do not hesitate to reach out via e-mail: or

We look forwards to hearing from you – The CBS Sport Board!
