CBS Sport Street Football ’17

CBS Sport Street Football ’17

Be ready to kick-start your new Semester with your friends at a fun and sportive event! Let us take out our shorts to welcome a successful year on the field at Campus, while the sun is setting!

Why? Obviously, because of CBS Sport STREET FOOTBALL!!


Once again, it’s time for CBS Sport’s annual outdoor tournament where girls and guys throw themselves around the asphalt chasing a ball, doing magic tricks to get passed their opponents and seriously bruising up their knees to secure victory for their team.

Sounds like something for you? Then come join us September 28th and hit Nexus afterwards!

There will be great prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd team, as well as an MVP-prize – so make sure to bring your best skills! In addition to this, there will be music playing, epic ball skills and beautiful people who love to have fun on the field or supporting their team. What’s not to love?


If throwing yourself around and asphalt does not sound very appealing for you, we are looking for plenty of volunteers for the event.
Are you looking for something fun, creative and engaging to put on your CV and get to know other great helpers?
Then contact Melda at


Keep yourself updated on the Facebook event – and make sure to invite your team mates and cheerleaders!