We would like to officially welcome on board our student assistant – Laura!

We would like to officially welcome on board our student assistant – Laura!

She is Laura and she is 22 years old. A true CBS’er, currently studying Intercultural Market Communication BA – 6th semester.

Born and raised in North of Jutland – Løgstør, yet moved to Copenhagen to pursue her degree in Intercultural market communication, Laura likes to take in all that the city has to offer. It is a great opportunity for her to immerse herself into Copenhagen’s melting pot of different cultures, art, sport and social events.

In her spare time, she can be found traveling around the city, together with her boyfriend and friends, looking for the best new eats, attending music concerts, working on her bachelor thesis and of course playing football. She has always been passionate about football: “I’ve start playing football since I was 10 years old, and am currently playing at CBS Sport’s 1st/ 11-a-side team, where my position is offensive midfield. I enjoy watching the Premier League and even travel to the Emirates to watch Arsenal once or twice a year!”

“As a football player for CBS Sport, I can personally vouch that CBS Sport is an incredible sport club to be a part of. In all those previous and current years at CBS Sport, I’ve succeeded to be taught and trained by professionals, got the chance to make more friends and tried unparalleled, fun experiences while making memories. With that being said, I am happy to get on board as a student assistant at CBS Sport where I could improve more CBS Sport’s administrative daily flow and help expand CBS Sport’s networks.”

Welcome on board, Laura!


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